In this demonstration, we simulate the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm to discover the secret parameter of a bitwise dot product.
Introduction #
Let $f(x)$ be a function which accepts an $n$-bit integer $0 \le x < 2^n$ and returns its bit-wise dot product with a secret integer $s$ in the same domain
$$ f(x) = x \cdot s \;\; \equiv \;\; \sum\limits_i^n \; \text{bit}_i(x) \; \text{bit}_i(s) \;\;\; \text{modulo 2} $$ We seek to find $s$ among the $2^n$ possible values by querying $f(x)$. Classically, we could query $f(2^j)$ for each integer $0 \le j < n$ to learn the corresponding $j$-th bit of $s$. This requires precisely $n$ total queries of $f(x)$.
But assume we have an $(n+1)$-qubit error-free quantum computer, and a unitary oracle $U_f$ which performs $$ U_f |x\rangle \; = \; (-1)^{f(x)} \; |x\rangle$$ Armed with these utilities, we can discover $s$ in a single invocation of $U_f$, using the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm. The algorithm proceeds as follows.
- Initialise the quantum register into the $|0\rangle$ state
- Nominate the least significant qubit as the ancilla
- Apply Pauli $X$ to the ancilla
- Apply a Hadamard gate to every qubit (including the ancilla)
- Apply the oracle $U_f$
- Apply a Hadamard gate to every qubit (including the ancilla)
- Measure the non-ancilla qubits, whose outcomes inform the bits of $s$
Implementation #
Let’s simulate it!
We first prepare the QuEST environment and our simulation parameters.
#include "QuEST.h"
int main() {
// prepare the hardware-agnostic QuEST environment
QuESTEnv env = createQuESTEnv();
// choose the register size
int numQubits = 15;
// randomly choose the secret parameter
int secret = rand() % (int) pow(2, numQubits - 1);
// prepare our register in the |0> state
Qureg qureg = createQureg(numQubits, env);
// search for s using BV's algorithm
applyBernsteinVazirani(qureg, numQubits, secret);
// tidy up
destroyQureg(qureg, env);
return 0;
Algorithm #
The Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm is simply effected by $X$, $H$ and the oracle $U_f$.
void applyBernsteinVazirani(Qureg qureg, int numQubits, int secret) {
// start in |0>
// NOT the ancilla
pauliX(qureg, 0);
// H all qubits, including the ancilla
for (int q=0; q<numQubits; q++)
hadamard(qureg, q);
applyOracle(qureg, numQubits, secret);
for (int q=0; q<numQubits; q++)
hadamard(qureg, q);
// infer the output basis state
measureResult(qureg, secret);
Oracle #
Our next task is to implement the oracle operator, which effects $$ U_f |x\rangle \; = \; (-1)^{f(x)} \; |x\rangle$$ This is simply done with $O(n)$ controlled-NOT gates.
void applyOracle(Qureg qureg, int numQubits, int secret) {
int bits = secret;
for (int q=1; q<numQubits; q++) {
// extract the (q-1)-th bit of secret
int bit = bits % 2;
bits /= 2;
// NOT the ancilla, controlling on the q-th qubit
if (bit)
controlledNot(qureg, q, 0);
Measurement #
The above steps will leave the quantum register precisely in a single computational basis state, chiefly $|s\rangle|1\rangle$, with our ancilla on the right. An experimentalist would infer this state by performing a final measurement on every non-ancilla qubit to infer the bits of $s$.
void measureResult(...) {
int secret = 0;
for (int q=1; q<numQubits; q++) {
int bit = measure(qureg, q);
secret += bit * (int) pow(2, q-1);
However, since $|s\rangle|1\rangle$ is a known computational basis state in our simulation, we can instead directly measure its probability in the final quantum state.
void measureResult(Qureg qureg, int secret) {
// |ind> = |s>|1>
int ind = 2*secret + 1;
qreal prob = getProbAmp(qureg, ind);
printf("success probability: %g \n", prob);
If we did everything right, the printed probability should be precisely $1$. The Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm works!
Run #
View the full code demonstration here.
Run the demonstration, from within the root QuEST directory, by running in terminal
cp examples/bernstein_vazirani_circuit.c .
make SOURCES=bernstein_vazirani_circuit